Ball Wall Extension – Invitation to Tender

It is the intention of the club’s executive to invite tenders to carry out building works associated with the extension of the ball wall and Astro pitch, from suitably qualified general building contractors.

The proposed works are substantially grant funded and therefore subject to strict tendering procedures.

The works comprise alterations to existing fencing, substantial additional fencing, ground works including alterations to existing drainage, water mains and electrical services, new section of ball wall in reinforced in- situ concrete, additional lighting, minor repairs to movement joints in the existing ball wall and minor refurbishment works to the existing ground floor male and female toilet facilities.

Tender documents including, Drawings, Bill of Quantities, Form of Tender and Preliminary Health & Safety Plan will be available in early May. Works are programmed to start June and to be finished in July.

Please register your interest in tendering with Evelyn Whelehan at, copy John Sarsfield at before the end of April

It maybe be necessary to invite tenders from additional contractors outside of club circles to ensure sufficient tenders are obtained.

Faughs GAA Club Executve Committee


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