Club Notes 21st July 2019

Club Notes 21st July 2019

Date for your diary All Ireland Hurling Sunday 18th August – Hurlfest comes to the oldest hurling club in Ireland with the hurling final on a giant outdoor screen – entertainment for the children, face painting, obstacle course, games and much more. BBQ followed by music by Ciara Duignam, daughter of Aslan star Christy Duignam and later Irish music and craic in the Members’ Bar. A day not to be missed.

Seniors beat Raheny in the league on Sunday morning. And AHL4 beat Bray Emmetts also on Sunday morning.

Congratulations and best wishes for the future to Siobhán Heavey and Robert Wasson who were married this week and also to David Connolly and his new wife who were recently married.

Everyone at the club wishes a big “Happy Birthday” to Jim Daly who celebrated his seventieth birthday this week.

Monica would like to thank everyone who came to the club on Sat. night to celebrate her Big Birthday. A great night was had by all.

Welcome home to Ciaran Brennan.

Next Traditional Music night in the members on Thurs 1st August 2019

Club Lotto – Jackpot €10,500. Numbers 4, 12, 16 & 23 No winner. Three ‘Match 3’ winners (share €200) – Barry Rafter, Paul Mullen & David O’Leary. Next weeks’ jackpot will be €10,600

It was with great sadness that news of the sad untimely passing of former Faughs hurler Jimmy Prendergast reached the club at the weekend. To his wife and family we extend our deepest sympathy. At dheis Dé go raibh a Anam dílis. – Reposing at his home on Tues evening between 4pm – 8pm, Funeral after 11:30 Mass on Wednesday morning in Church of the Annunciation Rathfarnham.