CLUB NOTES 23rd June 2015

A Huge “Well Done” to Karol and his team for a super Family Fun Day. A great day was had by all and it was deemed “the best day ever”. Molly Hogan beat off strong competition to emerge the proud winner of the baking competition. Well done Molly!

Thanks also to Noeleen Fullam of the Tree of Hope Foundation also Fr. Ryan and Michael Clayton for a beautiful planting and dedication ceremony.

Our minor hurlers had a convincing win over Naomh Fionnbarra in John Paul Park on Sunday morning.

Fixtures for the coming week are as follows:

Mon 22nd June – AHL 4 v St. Judes, Osprey, 7.30p.m.

Wed 24th June – AHL2 v Parnells, Chanel, 7.30.p.m.

Thurs 25th June – AHL 7 v St. Oliver Plunketts/Eoghan Ruadh, Tymon Nth., 7.30.p.m.

Sat. 27th June – Snr. HL v Erins Isle Osprey 6.30.p.m.

Sat 27th June – AHL 4 v Lucan Sarsfields, Tymon Nth., 6.30.p.m.

Sun 28th June – AHL 7 v Castleknock, Somerton Park, 12.00.

Deepest sympathy is extended to Peter Harrington and family on the sad passing of Carmel also to the families of the six young people who sadly lost their lives in the unfortunate accident in Berkeley, USA last week. Ar dheis laimh De go raibh said.

Twenty Questions in the Members’ Bar every Wednesday. All welcome. No cover charge.

Don’t forget to save all your vouchers from the Echo newspaper over the next few weeks and drop them into the club to enable us to be in with a chance of winning valuable gear for the club.

You can purchase your Echo in the club for 50c. Bargain!!

Club Lotto – Numbers: 5, 10, 15 and 26. No Winner. Three “Match 3” winners were Deirdre Gleeson, Barry Rafter and Seamus O’Connor will share €200. Next week’s jackpot will be €12,400.