Club Notes 24th September 2013

Well done to the senior caomgie girls on their championship semifinal win over Erin’s Isles. Great performance by the whole panel. They now look forward to the final next Sunday. All support welcome.

The U16 girls had a good win over Crumlin in the championship. Next up is Na Fianna on Saturday in Tymon.

Snr Hurlers lost to Craobh Chiarain on Sat last in the League Game. Intermediates had a convincing win over Scoil Ui Chonaill on Sat last in their league. Jnr Cs beat Kevins on Sun in their latest league encounter and Jnr D’s narrowly lost to Naomh Barrog also last Sun in the league.

Seniors play Crumlin next Sunday in the Championship in Parnell Park 2:30pm

Minors play St Judes in their Championship next Sunday @ 11am in Tymon. These are two very important games, your support would be greatly appreciated.

A big ‘Thank You’ to everyone who helped to make our ‘Night at the Dogs’ such a huge success. Special Thanks to Eoin Reynolds & Robbie Lewis and their team of volunteers, sponsors, prize donators. I hope you all had some winners on the night.

Get well soon to Monica Spellman who is recovering well after recent surgery.

Congratulations to Maurice & Mary O’Brien on the birth of their son Rhys.

Don’t forget Twenty Questions in the Members Bar every Wed night. Admission free. All welcome.

Operation Transformation is going slimmingly, Monday night @ 8:15 on the all weather.

Lotto –  Numbers were 2, 12, 14 and 22. No Winner. There were 3 ‘Match Three’ winners – S&B McKiernan, Linda Spellman & Evelyn Whelehan all C/O Club, Next week’s jackpot will be €3,300.