Concussion Awareness Seminar – 15 Sep
Concussion Awareness Seminar
Tues Sept. 15th 7pm
Tallaght Stadium
Presenter: Shane Mooney, IRFU First Aid and Injury Prevention coordinator.
Shane is responsible for all IRFU medical training and education and is the programme manager for Safe Rugby.
The Irish Rugby Football Union has developed a range of educational materials, including posters, wallet cards and online content and earlier this year launched a series of videos aimed at junior and senior players, parents, coaches and referees, all based on their Stop, Inform, Rest, Return message.m
In January 2014 the IRFU implemented the most conservative “time out” and return to play guidelines in Irish sport to protect those who suffer a suspected concussion during a rugby related activity.
The presentation will cover areas like:
– what is concussion?
– how does it occur?
– the signs and symptoms?
– their onset, development and recovery.
Shane will look in depth at the graduated return to play protocols and answer any questions that you have related to concussion and head injury.
The seminar is free of charge.To register please email by return or to or text name and event to 086 0441071