Mum and Me Camogie for U10s

Well done to our U10 camogie mums who completed the Camogie Associations Hurl With Me Program and went on to play their first camogie game at the GAA Games Development Centre in Abbotstown.  Great day for the U10 girls to see their Mum’s pull on the jersey and represent the parish.  Faughs featured strongly in the official vodeo below.

Faughs Celtic got a last minute opportunity to take part take in an All Ireland Hurl Mum and Me Blitz in the Gaa Centre of Excellence.

Mum’s played first half then, daughters play second half!!

Delighted to say we got a team of 10 mums and 10 daughters from the U10’s to represent us at what was very short notice.

Ireland made it into the last 16 in the football  so the times were brought forward to facilitate the match and to be honest it was a miserable day weather wise….but did that dampen the spirits….No….Not at all.

Super performance by the all the mums who had never played camogie before and their daughters who were, let’s say, very encouraging throughout all matches!!! C’mon mum …constantly being shouted from the sideline. The girls just loved it.

So much so the mums are eager to look into something going forward in September!!!

The girls got lovely t-shirts and tickets  for the All Ireland Camogie Finals in September so…thrilled once again!!!.

See all our happy faces below….also special thanks to U15s for supplying jerseys, helmets, shinguards and hurls for the mums…cos we needed to look the part.!!!

National Hurl with Me Day Report
