135th Faughs GAA Club AGM – Mon 14 Dec
14th November 2020
A Chara,
This is to notify you that the 135th AGM will take place on Monday 14th December 2020 @ 8:00pm. Under Levels 3, 4 & 5 of the Government Framework for Restrictive Measures in response to COVID-19, no organised indoor gatherings are permitted, it is highly unlikely that Dublin will be lower than Level 3 by mid December. For that reason Faughs Executive will hold the AGM online.
Members who are fully paid up in accordance with the Club Constitution and Association Rules are invited to attend the online AGM to review the progress of the past year and to plan for the year ahead. The administration of the meeting, voting procedures etc will be in accordance with the Club Constitution.
Any nominations for Officer Board and Executive Committee together with motions should be lodged with the Club Secretary no later than 20th November 2020 – secretary.faughshurling.dublin@gaa.ie
We will update the website on how to register to attend the online AGM by 4th December 2020.
Mise le meas
Eibhlin Ni Faoileachin