Faughs GAA Covid Updates – 26 Jan 2022
Update 26 Jan 2022:
Covid-19 update for GAA members
A Chara,
Following the recent relaxation of Covid restrictions, we ask you to note the following in relation to our games in the coming months
Covid in the Community: While restrictions have been relaxed, it is important to note that Covid is still with us. In that context, it remains the position that everyone involved in our Association at either a playing or administrative level, continue to follow Government advice in the relevant jurisdiction on containment of the virus.
At its most basic level, this means that players, coaches or administrators who are displaying any of the symptoms of Covid should not attend training, games or meetings.
Further advice is this context is available at https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/914a6-guidance-on-the-public-health-management-of-covid-19-cases-and-close-contacts/ for members in the 26 Counties and at https://www.publichealth.hscni.net/covid-19-coronavirus/covid-19-information-public for those in the North.
Provision of Contact Tracing information (26 Counties): If an individual/team member(s) become infected with SARS-CoV-2 or is a close contact of a detected case, the Government’s Contact Management Programme (CMP) is responsible for contact tracing and, if indicated, for arranging testing for close contacts. In order to undertake this mandatory medical function, it is essential that the CMP have direct access to the relevant individual through provision of their contact information (i.e. mobile phone number). The provision of other contact details such as for a team doctor is not acceptable in this context.
Water breaks Counties and Clubs should note that the provision for Water Breaks in our games is now removed from our Match Regulations with immediate effect.
The following provisions in this context now apply:
Maoir Uisce – Two Maoir Uisce who must be over 18 years of age, are permitted per team; they may not enter the field of play. Each must wear an official bib (Football: Purple or Green | Hurling: Brown or Lilac) and will be situated as per the “Pitch Layout” in our Match Regulations, and at least two metres from the sideline.
Official team personnel (Selectors/Coaches), substitutes, injured players or members of the extended panel may not act as Maoir Uisce. In the event that any official team personnel, injured player(s) or a member of the extended panel act as a Maoir Uisce, any breach of rule, shall be considered as a Misconduct at Games by Team Officials infraction.
Maoir Uisce are not permitted to have/use Communications devices i.e. walkie talkies.
In Hurling the Maoir Uisce will also act as Hurley Carriers & may enter the field of play with a replacement hurley when necessary.
This will also mean that the number of people allowed access to the controlled zone for games in our Match Regulations will increase by 2 (i.e. from 40 to 42) to accommodate this change.
In this context, Counties and clubs should a note the provisions on unauthorised entry to the field of play as outlined in Rule 1.4 of the Rules of Control
A Team Official shall not enter the field of play.
Exception: The Referee may give his permission to a Team Medical Officer or one authorised official to enter the Field of Play to examine an injured player.
Penalties on the day for the above infraction:
(i) Caution offender by showing him a Yellow Card;
(ii) Order offender from the Pitch Enclosure for a second Infraction by showing him a second Yellow Card followed by a Red Card. The offender is debarred from the Pitch Enclosure for the remainder of the Game, including any Extra-Time, when played, and he may not be replaced.
Fixed penalty on a second repeat infraction (i.e. a third ordering off): One match suspension in the same Code and at the same Level, applicable to the next game in the competition in which the third ordering of occurred, even if that game occurs in the following year’s competition.
Finally, we wish to take this opportunity to thank all of those involved in the Association for their patience and co-operation with the various restrictions imposed over the course of the last two years. While the pandemic may not be over, there are certainly very positive signs for better days ahead and our activities, for the moment at least, will be returning to something resembling normality. In the interim, we again urge you to continue to follow Government advice and in particular, the provisions outlined North and South for those who are positive, are symptomatic or who are considered to be close contacts of a positive case.
Is muide le meas,
Uachtarán Labhrás Mac Carthaigh
Ard Stiúrthóir Tomás Ó Riain
Update 2 June 2021:
GAA Covid-19 Update for Clubs in the 26 Counties
Update 29 Mar 2021:
Covid-19 Latest Update for GAA Members
Update 1 Jan 2021:
The GAA has issued advice to clubs and counties for activities that are permissible and not permissible in 2021 until further notice.
Under Level 5 of the plan for living with Covid-19 and the current restrictions in the North, individual training only is permitted for GAA clubs.
Neither adult or underage teams may train collectively, club games are not permitted, and GAA club grounds must remain closed.
At inter-county level, it remains the case that collective training for senior inter-county panels may only recommence from January 15th. However, given the current growth rates in virus transmission, this date is under review.
For the moment senior inter-county players may train on an individual basis only in club or county owned gyms and no training is currently permitted for any other panels such as U-20 or Minor.
Click Link for the full list of latest club and inter-county specific guidelines.
GAA issues advice on Covid-19 restrictions
Covid-19 Club Education
Update 21 Oct 2020 – Level 5 Requirements
Statement from Dublin County Board re 2020 juvenile fixtures. For U8 to U15, the 2020 season is now over. Some U16 Championship fixtures may complete in early 2021.
Dublin GAA Juvenile update Friday 6th November
Update 21 Oct 2020 – Level 5 Requirements
Click for Covid-19 Latest Guidelines from the GAA
For Consideration of Clubs:
1. Club Games and Training
- Level 5 restrictions mean neither adult club games nor Training can take place between now and December 1st. The GAA is adopting a 32-County approach in this context and therefore training for adult teams will not be allowed in the North either.
- From midnight tonight, training at Minor level and below only will be permitted for clubs in all 32 Counties (but not inter-county). However it must be on a non-contact basis in pods of no more than 15 people. Dressing Rooms cannot be used and the Health Questionnaire must be filled out by all those participating. Attendance by parents/guardians should be on the basis of one per child (for child protection reasons) and the Health Questionnaire must be filled out by all of those coming into the ground.
- Injury Benefit Fund – GAA injury benefit cover is only in place for Inter County training and where non-contact training is organised for school aged children (i.e. Minor grade and below) outdoors in pods of 15
- GAA Injury Benefit Fund cover does not extend to physical training sessions conducted remotely (i.e. online, via zoom etc.)
2.Use of indoor facilities
- Commercial use of indoor halls continues to be permitted where agreement was in place prior to March and relevant insurance are in place. Use by State bodies e.g. HSE/Schools is also permitted.
- These are the only instances in which Indoor facilities should be used.
3.Outdoor Astro facilities/All weather pitches
- these can only be used for underage Gaelic Games training purposes. Under Level 5, they cannot be hired out to recreational users (Schools are the only exception in this context)
Essential property checks maintenance and pitch upkeep is permitted in Level 5
In the case of Community Employment Scheme workers, local scheme operators will need to confirm the position to each club. We would remind all units that an extension of cover request is required for engagement of such workers at club properties
Update 18 Sep 2020 – Dublin Level 3
As a result of the Government’s decision to move to Level 3 Covid-19 restrictions from 19 Sep:
All Adult games remain ON (behind closed doors). Clubs using pitches in DCC Public Parks should note that the City Council has closed their pitches for all activity until we return to Level 2 or lower.
All Minor Club games scheduled for the duration of Level 3 restrictions have been postponed. This includes all Minor Championship, Cup and challenge game fixtures. The CCC will reschedule outstanding fixtures as soon as possible, subject to Dublin Minor and Under 20 inter-county Championship fixtures.
All Juvenile fixtures with immediate effect have been postponed.
The juvenile programme will resume when permissible with games scheduled for this weekend being played first.
Update 21 Aug 2020
Click for Dublin GAA Juvenile update Friday 21st August
Parent / Guardian attendance
It has been confirmed that parents or guardians attending a sporting event in a “safeguarding” or “supervisory” capacity will not be classified as spectators, although strict social distancing and public health guidelines should be adhered to at all times.
Update 19 Aug 2020
Click for update on latest restrictions from Dublin County Board
… as games must now be played “behind closed doors”, no more than 40 persons per team should be allowed access to games for the moment. This figure should include all players, management, coaches, ancillary backroom personnel and team official …
… While we await further clarification on the issue of parents attending juvenile games we suggest that one parent or guardian may attend a game where they consider it necessary for the welfare of their own child.
Update Aug 2020
Clarification from Dublin GAA of guidelines following a positive test for Covid-19 in the club
Update July 2020
We are pleased to be planning for a safe return to Gaelic Games commencing from Wed June 24th. See key dates below for a phased return to playing along with steps/guidelines to be followed by players and mentors.
Each team will have a Covid Supervisor in place who will work closely with the Lead Mentor for the team.
All parents of juvenile players , all mentors and adult players must complete the on line learning module from the GAA – Covid-19 Club Education eLearning Module – and send a copy of certification of competition to their Team Covid supervisor.
This eLearning module aims to inform those involved with GAA, LGFA and Camogie Association Clubs on their roles and responsibilities for the safe resumption of Gaelic games activities. It is particularly aimed at Covid Supervisors/Officers, Players/Team Personnel, and the Parents/Guardians of Underage Players. However, Clubs should ensure that anyone present at training sessions/games completes it to gain an understanding of the Safe Return Guidelines.
A Health Questionaire – HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE – must also be completed.
See below for further detailed steps and information.
We look forward to welcoming you back to Faughs soon
Summary of Dates
June 24th to 27th: | Return to training – Adults/Minors, no contact allowed |
June 29th: | Return to training – u13s and above |
July 6th: | Return to training – Under 8s to Under 12s. |
June 29th: | All ages – Full teams – Contact and challenge games allowed |
July 17st: | All ages – full teams – Club fixtures allowed (Details to follow) |
The GAA Safe return to Gaelic Games has been circulated to all Parents/Players/Mentors
Steps / Guidelines:
No Mentor/Player/Parent or anyone involved in Faughs GAA/Celtic should feel under any pressure to return to play until they feel comfortable to do so.
It is the personal responsibility of everyone involved to complete the required steps below.
There is a personal responsibility to act with respect for fellow GAA members in all of this and we would ask for this commitment from you.
Faughs will use best endeavours to ensure we can all return to training and games as safely as possible.
Please be aware that guidelines can change and we will update you as this happens.
Each team will appoint a Covid Supervisor from its Mentor panel if possible – Role Overview: ROLE OF COVID SUPERVISORS
All Players/Mentors/Parents of Juvenile Players are required to complete Covid-19 Club Education eLearning Module. When completed take a picture of the Cert and send it to your teams Covid supervisor.
Prior to returning to training all players, mentors and anyone involved with teams must complete a Health Questionnaire online.
Info / Guidelines on completing the Health Questionnaire are here: HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE INFO
Complete the Health Questionnaire here: COVID Return to Play
It will be the responsibility of the individual to inform the team’s Covid Supervisor of any change in circumstance at subsequent sessions.
Do not share personal equipment, water bottles, gloves, clothes etc. Label bottles with names. Shared equipment will be sanitised after each training.
Parent/guardian must drop off and collect children punctually at the club. Please do not be late. Enough time is being allowed in scheduling training that no teams should overlap with another. Please check in with Covid Supervisor on arrival.
Ensure children wash hands and use toilet facilities at home prior to training. Please bring your own hand sanitizer to training/matches and sanitize hands before and after.
Covid-19 Signage will be in place around the club and training areas. Hand sanitiser will be available.
The resumption to training schedule has been circulated to all Mentors. Training will be structured to adhere to social distancing guidelines where required.
Players may train with multiple teams.
If a player becomes unwell during training, they will be separated from the group by the Covid Supervisor and their parent or guardian will be called immediately to collect them.
There will be no dressing rooms available so players to arrive togged out.
There will be limited toilet facilities available but we would encourage players to use toilets before they arrive to training.
Players will train in groups with the appropriate Mentor to Player ratio.
If there are any questions please contact:
- Tommy O Mahoney 0868114643
- Fiona Kelly 0877375881 (Hurling)
- Paula Finnegan 0877569773 (Camogie)
Further Information
GAA website https://learning.gaa.ie/covid19resources
HSE website https://www.hse.ie/eng/
Update 18 June
Faughs GAA are currently planning a restart of activities in line with the GAA Roadmap and Safe Return to Play that was published on Friday June 5th (with update on June 12). We are requesting all club mentors, adult players, and parents of juvenile players to review the roadmap and guidelines, copy attached.
Our focus continues to be the safety of our players, mentors, and our community as we work on planning to return safely to team training on pitches from Monday June 29th.
We will be circulating additional information on Faughs detailed return to play plans which will include access to a short online education module over the next week. We will be requesting all mentors, adult players and parents of our juvenile players to complete the online module with details to follow next week.
The club are looking forward to your ongoing support and cooperation as we return to the pitches for team training for our juvenile and adult teams.
Finally, please note that our club house and facilities remain closed at this time.
CLICK HERE For the latest updates from the GAA
Update 27 March
GAA statement. We will update you as we learn more.
Update 27 March
All Faughs facilities are closed until further notice. This decision is made in the best interest of club members and our community to minimise the risk of spreading the Covid-19 virus. Please follow all the HSE Guidelines on dealing with Covid 19.
Dorry Murray Tournament
We have made the decision to postpone the U13 Dorry Murray Tournament on May 10th; as we all continue to follow the HSE guidelines in dealing with Covid19. We hope to reschedule the tournament if possible, later in the year.
National Feile
The National Feile for Camoige and Hurling unfortunately but understandable is cancelled and will not go ahead on June 5th and 6th as we all continue to follow the HSE guidelines in dealing with Covid19
Update 15 March
The Club house bar will now be closed until further notice. This decision is made in the best interest of club members and staff and to minimise the risk of spreading the Covid-19 virus.
Be safe, please follow the guidelines issued by the HSE.
Update 12 MarchIn light of statements from Dublin GAA / the GAA / An Cumann Camógaíochta and the Government on 12 March, all collective training and matches for Faughs hurling and camogie teams are cancelled until further notice.
The planned St Patrick’s Day Celebrations and events at the Club House are cancelled.
All Faughs social events and all organised collective team activities are cancelled until further notice
The Bar remains open and will operate under the HSE guidelines.