Tribute to our Refs on Respect the Referee Day – 23 Oct
Sunday 23 Oct is the GAA’s #GAARefRespect day. More Info here
We are grateful to everyone who volunteers to referee our hurling games. We could have no matches without referees and we encourage everyone to always to give them the respect and appreciation they deserve.
We would especially like to acknowledge and thank out own referees, who keep the show on the road every weekend, making sure juvenile and adult games can go ahead, often refereeing games in addition to playing their own matches.
Thanks too to David O’Shea (Camogie) and Brian Hennelly (Hurling) who are our referee co-ordinators and make sure referees are scheduled as required.
We’re always on the look out for more of our members to take up refereeing, both adults and juveniles. Contact David, Brian or any team mentor to get started.
To tie in with the Senior 2 Championship final today we have Name The Ref Competition – see how many Faughs referees you can identify on the Senior 2 Panel.
Here’s some photos of our own wonderful referees in action. Always be nice to them.