U8 Camogie Info and Fixtures


All girls must now be registered as Faughs players, otherwise they cannot be allowed to continue training or playing matches. (Note that membership fees only provide 35% of the costs of running the club activities).

Format of “Go Games” for U8;-

Conditioned games played on a 3-zoned small-sized pitch marked with cones goals defined by poles (Zones – Back/Mid/Forward). 7/8 a side, with goalie, backs, mids & forwards – all of whom have to remain in their own zones thereby ensuring all players get to play and are involved.

All U8 blitzes are Sundays at 10am throw in.

We need players to commit as we are one of 3 clubs that have entered 4 teams at U8 – If girls do not show up for games we are inevitably disappointing other clubs too.

Forthcoming Important Dates for Blitzes AND BIG TRIP are as follows – please diary the dates; –

Sunday 20 Mar Match/Blitz

Sunday 10 Apr Match/Blitz

Sunday 24 Apr Match/Blitz

Sunday 8 May Match/Blitz

Sunday 22 May Match/Blitz

Sunday 5 June Match/Blitz

Saturday 11 June – BIG 2016 DAY TRIP TO PORTLAOISE WITH U9s (Games v Camross/P’Laois and Fun Activity)

Sunday 19 June Match/Blitz

The girls love the matches. The Most important thing at this age is Fun. If they have fun, they will want to come back again.

Parents, At Games Please try not to focus on scoring, as, with zoned games, not all girls will get the opportunity to score. Rather ask them ‘how many times did you strike or touch the ball?’  This is an important aspect which we hope you will apply.

A serious point – Criticism or negativity of any type is discouraged (directed at any player, referee or anyone else involved or on the sideline). Remember none of us would like public humiliation, so why would a 7/8 year old be any different?  Mistakes are a necessary part of learning.  Also remember, as mentors, we are all unpaid volunteers.

Please encourage your kids in sport, and try as many team sports as they (and you!) possibly can. Specialising in any single sport at a young age is not recommended.

Remember “Come practice” is much more attractive than “Go Practice”.  Sport provides a great and cheap opportunity for you to interact with your child.


With the help of our club sponsor, Koping Citroen, we are organising a full kit for Registered Players (jersey, striped socks & navy skort) for each of our U8s (& Academy). This gear costs a total of €76 per child, but the charge to families will be €35 per kid. The kit should last the girls min 2/3 years. We will size and order this in the next 2 weeks in the hope of having it mid/end April.

You do not need to be male, or to have played camogie or hurling, to be able to play the game with an U8-U10 player!

There are a few simple things that you can do to help the girls in their camogie “careers”;- 

(1) Learn and coach the correct grip, as this is by far the most important bit for them to get right in the next year,

(2) “Come Practice” regularly,

(3) Try not miss training or matches and actively encourage them when you are there – they need the reassurance of your presence!

(4) Bring your daughters to sporting events, (preferably involving female role models). “If they want to be it, they’ve got to see it!”.