Under 9’s Update

We hope the boys are enjoying winter training. As you can see we have Leah Moore (an Irish sprinter) showing the lads how to run properly, an all-Ireland hurler doing drills and a winter league made up of 4 teams: Dublin, Kilkenny, Cork and Clare. League results will be updated each week.

U9 Winter League Final

Please see below upcoming dates for your diary.

Race Night

Faughs Race night is December 6th from 8pm in the clubhouse. You will have received a letter from me and I would appreciate if you could return it with some contribution to the race night(even if you don’t intend going). This is the club’s major fundraiser for the year.

Awards Afternoon

There will be an awards afternoon on Sunday November 30th from 2 to 4pm in the clubhouse. This is for all hurlers from U8 to U12. More details will follow.

Christmas Party

This will take place in Jumpzone on Dec 6th from 4 to 6pm. I will be collecting the admission price towards the end of November. more details to follow…

Parking for Wednesday training

Thanks to everyone for getting the boys to training at the ball wall on time. As you are aware we are trying to get alot into a 45 minute session and in doing so we are taking up room in the car park. Please can you park in Tymon to free up space in Faugh’s. The bar is open from 730pm and usually has a nice fire going so please feel free to wait there for the boys particularly as the weather gets colder.

Thanks as always for your great support and in the words of the boss keep those lads hurling!!

Training photo 1

Training photo 2

Training photo 3