CLUB NOTES 24th February 2015

Fixtures for coming week:- Seniors play Parnells on 1st March in Tymon Nth in the Corn Ui Laochra competition.

3rd Team are out against Setanta @ 3pm in the Millar Sheild also next Sun in Tymon Nth.

Congratulations to Gavin Kerins & his new bride Tara who were married during the week.

Happy Birthday to Tony Massey who celebrated a significant birthday this week.

Annual membership is now due, payable to Tom Ryan, Evelyn Whelehan or register & pay online on Players please note if you are not paid up you are not covered by insurance in the event of injury.

Fifteenth Anniversary Mass for the late John Hearne will be celebrated in the clubhouse on Sunday 1st. March @ 11.00a.m.

Twenty Questions in the members’ bar every Wednesday. All welcome.

Club Lotto – Numbers 10, 12, 16 & 18. No Winner. Four ‘Match 3’ winners (share €200). Nicholas Canning, Niall O’Brien & Donal Sutue, Timmy Murnane and Monica Spellman. Next weeks jackpot will be €10,700.