St Patricks Day Request to all our U12 Players
Hello to all our Faughs Families, we hope everyone is keeping safe and well, just to let you know that Faughs Juvenile Committees are busy planning lots of fun things for you to get involved in, so here is our 1st challenge.
We are asking all the Boys & Girls to take our all those paints, markers, crayons, art sets, glitter, stickers, coloured cards, ribbons, paper and pencils that Santa may have given you or whatever you have to hand and put them to good use.
We would like you to make St. Patricks Day Cards to brighten up the lives and bring much-needed SMILE’s to the faces of the all the staff and students of Cheevesrtown School.
So, let’s get busy and post your cards back to us as soon as possible (no later than March 10th) so that they get them for the Big Day.
Postal Address: Laura Bradley C/O Cheeverstown School, Templeogue, Dublin 6W
We also plan to send a letter to The Spiritan Fathers on behalf of the club, to wish them a Happy St Patricks Day and to say “Thank You”, to acknowledge their ongoing connection and support.
Faughs GAA Club